ILL NINO: 'Enigma' First-Week Sales Revealed
March 19, 2008ILL NINO's fourth full-length album, "Enigma" has sold 5,000 copies in the United States in its first week of release to debut at position No. 145 on The Billboard 200 chart.
ILL NINO drummer Dave Chavarri recently stated about the group's new label home, Cement Shoes, "We have a tremendous amount of artistic freedom now. We're able to express ourselves without boundaries on 'Enigma'."
And that new-found freedom is evident from note one. "Enigma" is a much more natural-sounding album than any of its predecessors, with Latin rhythms and Spanish vocals snaking in and out of the more traditional numbers.
Starting with over 30 songs, the band took their time in choosing which tracks would make the final cut. "On past albums we spent about four months to record, mix and master. On 'Enigma' we spent almost seven months, as we wanted to make sure everything was the best that it could be," Chavarri noted.
After the music had been laid down, vocalist Cristian Machado set about penning the lyrics to bring the true identity of each piece.
"It's really about the deterioration of our planet and the policies that have contributed to the current situation of the world," Machado explained of the lyrical bent of "Enigma", "It's a story about destruction and consequence. Life and death. Elemental fury and spiritual awakening." And yet for all of its scathing indictments, the album is one of both anger and beauty. "Ultimately I think our message is a positive one. We promote self-awareness and individuality."